Undergraduate Admissions Advising

We work 1:1 with our students through high school to help them discover and cultivate their passions so that they will be as competitive as possible when applying to colleges.

1. Learning About the Student

When we begin working with a student in high school, we try to learn as much about them as we can. We want to help them find, cultivate, and develop their identities and passions and start to strategize early on in the admission process. Our team comes from diverse and unique backgrounds that allows us to connect with the student and their families.

This process can happen in-person or via video meeting and often includes:

  • Reviewing transcripts, test scores, coursework, portfolio work, etc.
  • Learning about the students academic and social interests, extracurricular work, and any other activities they are participating or want to be participating in
  • Meeting with the parents or guardians to help learn and set expectations from the student

2. Educational Planning

For our students to be competitive applicants, we work closely with the them and their families to create a comprehensive educational plan. Throughout their schooling, we continue to check in on the student and provide assistance as needed. As part of this planning, we:

  • Establish a short-term plan for the duration of their high school career
  • Establish a long-term plan for getting into colleges (including summer program application help)
  • Assist in choosing appropriate classes and extracurricular activities
  • Advise on standardized test registration and testing dates
  • Recommend SAT/ACT and TOEFL tutoring options
  • Suggestion for appropriate SAT Subject Tests
  • Monitor progress through regular meetings over video calls, phone calls, email, and in-person meetings
  • Identify problems and provide solutions for overcoming them
  • Suggest best-fit summer internships, schools, programs, and activities

3. Personalizing a School List

Deciding and narrowing down a school list can be tricky, but it’s the most fun part of the process! Our team works closely with each student to decide on a list that’s not only a good fit for the student but also realistic. This process includes:

  • Suggesting schools matching the student’s profile based on our assessment of the student, the students’ own research and interests, and our deep knowledge of higher education institutions
  • Building a list of schools that are “Dream,” “Match,” and “Likely,” based on the students’ profile
  • Teaching ways to do school outreach and research schools, helping them to connect their research with their own interests for the application
  • Deciding on a list of schools to which the student will apply
  • Planning information sessions, organizing college visit, and preparing students for college interviews
  • Creating a student-specific timeline for application

4. Essays, Applications, and Supplements

This is an opportunity for the student to convey their academic interests, talents, and experiences through the essays and college supplements. Most importantly, the essay’s, short answers, and letters of recommendation help admission officers learn more about why the student is a good fit for their institution. This process includes:

  • Creating a strategy for completing applications
  • Helping students brainstorm each essay and question
  • Helping students edit their essays by providing critical feedback
  • Developing portfolios, auditions materials, and athletic assistance (if applicable)
  • Advising on strategies for recommendation letters
  • Advising on early decision and early action applications
  • Assisting in application submission

5. Selecting, Enrolling, and Starting School

Once your student has received their decision letters, we will discuss college options. If necessary, we can follow up on wait-list decisions and provide timely updates. We will continue to advise your student until they have selected and enrolled in a college or university. We offer:

  • Assistance in correspondence between students and schools
  • Waitlist assistance (if applicable)
  • Discussion of school options with the student
  • Assistance in communicating acceptance and rejection of offers
  • Suggestions and advice on dorms, roommates, meal plans, etc.
  • Suggestions for course enrollment and summer plans
  • Follow up with student through the year